The first level covers board replacement. As you read further, you enter the second level containing the information for component level to repair the board. Model numbers related to the HA-3 and RA-5A chassis are listed in Chart 1-1:Ĭhart 1-1 - Related Model Number HA-3 Chassis Direct View TV Models KD-34XBR2 RA-5A Chassis Projection TV Models KDP-57XBR2 KDP-65XBR2 When repairing at component level, references are made to the DTV-02 training manual (P/N = DTV021000), which contains circuitry similar to the HA-3 direct view TV circuitry. The ' in the model name refers to the digital decoder box built into the TV that can decode the 18 ATSC digital D' TV formats approved for the USA and Canada over the air transmission.
ATSC stands for ' Advanced Television Standards Committee'and replaces the 1940 NTSC (National Television Standards Committee) standard.